Here is a free tool Re-Enable using which even a novice users can fix all the things which were disabled by the virus. An antivirus can remove the virus files but sometimes it may fail to restore the system settings. In such situations this tool can come handy.
February 23, 2011
> How To Recover Your Computer After Virus Attack
Here is a free tool Re-Enable using which even a novice users can fix all the things which were disabled by the virus. An antivirus can remove the virus files but sometimes it may fail to restore the system settings. In such situations this tool can come handy.
> Get a Free Serial Key for Auslogics BoostSpeed
Auslogics BoostSpeed - the ideal solution to keep your PC running faster, cleaner and
> How to Hack Graboid to Get Unlimited Movies for Free
First, download the program HERE.
Then after you open the
February 22, 2011
> How to make an undeletable folder
Sometimes happens that someone is deleting a folder, which is very important to you. If you would like to avoid anything similar happening in future, you can protect your important folders by making them undeletable. Here i'll show you simple tutorial, which can help you.
1. Open cmd ( Type in Run option, the command 'cmd' or
> How to disable Right click on Desktop?
> Get a Free Serial Key for AVG Antivirus Professional
- Download, share files and send messages safely with AVG Online Shield.
- Stay safe on social networks with AVG Social Networking Protection.
- Surf and search with confidence with AVG LinkScanner's real-time protection.
AVG Anti-Virus offers real-time protection against today’s most sophisticated threats. Chat, download and exchange files with confidence; play games and watch videos without worry or interruption.
AVG Professional is extremely reliable
February 14, 2011
> How To Tag People In Facebook Status Update
February 13, 2011
> Trick To Bypass Trial Version Limitations In Any Software
> Free Download Anti-theft Software For Mobile Phones
This Mobile Phone software can be used on any of the following platforms
1.Symbian Platform
2.Windows Platform
3.Android Platform
With the help of this mobile phone software you can
1.Remotely lock your phone by sending sms
2.Remotely format/wipe your phone by sending sms
3.You will get the location and information of the new sim inserted in the phone.
So it can help you recover your mobile phone which has been stolen or lost accidently.
You can download this anti theft mobile phone software from the link given at bottom of this post.
The name of the software is F-secure anti theft system and is developed by a leading company in the field of security.
Click here to download F-secure anti theft software
> Bypass Firewall At School,College Or Office With UtraSurf
We will be using a very small and free software called ultrasurf.It will not only allow you to surf blocked websites but
> 4 Websites To Send Anonymous SMS Without Registration
There are a lot of websites on the Internet that provides free sms services but only handful of them allows you to send Sms without registration and anonymously.In this post I will review the services of 4 Sms websites that allows you to send Anonymous messages.
1. allows you send message of complete 160 words and without any ads.There message service is very fast and you can even check the delivery reports of the sms that has been sent.
They provide their sms services for Indian Mobile numbers only.
Seasms allows you to send messages all over the world.This is the only free Sms service that I found which all allows you to send worldwide messages anonymously.
They also provide 160 character support for SMS.
Spicesms allows you to send sms only in India with 130 character support for sms.They service is very fast and sms are delivered instantaneously
4. Bollywoodmotion
Bollywoodmotion is one of the best sms website as you can send sms upto 500 characters long.
They do not include any ads into your message and messages are delivered in real time.This service is available only for Indian mobile numbers
If you know any other sms services that allows you to send messages without registration then do share with us by commenting.
NOTE:- Don't send abusive messages to somebody using the above site as you can be traced .
> Top 7 Funny Google Tricks
So, Here is the List Of Google's Top 7 tricks
1. Google gravity:- We all have read the Newton's law of gravity.Does it also apply to google?To test it follow the instructions
- Go to
- Type Google Gravity
- Click on I'm feeling Lucky
Now you will see the effect of gravity on google.The google icon will fall down automatically.You can even pickup and throw google icon anyware.
2. Google Pacman Game:-I have already published a post on the google pacman.To read how to play the pacman game on google click the link below
3. Change Background Image:-You can also change the background image of google image.To change the background image follow the instructions
- Go to
- Click on the Change Background Image
- Login with gmail username and upload Image
4. Epic Google:- In epic google you will see the font size of google increasing automatically as if it will come out of your computer screen.To use google Follow the instructions
- Go to
- Type Epic Google
- Click on I'm feeling Lucky
5. Google Advanced Search Hacks:-Google provides some special search operators.By using these operators you can easily search anything you want.To learn about these oprators and how to use them click the link below.
6. Google Hacker:-want to see how the google homepage will look if it gets hacked .Follow the instructions below
- Go to
- Type Google Hacker
- Click on I'm feeling Lucky
7. Annoying Google:- In this trick the capitalisation of your searches will change automatically.Some words will change into small letter and some into capital letters in your search result.Want to try it follow the instructions
- Go to
- Type Annoying Google
- Click on I'm feeling Lucky
If you also know some more cool google tricks then do share with us and our readers by commenting your google tricks
> Facepad:Download facebook Albums in One Click
- Open your Firefox browser and Click Here to download facepad
- After the installation of the facepad addon is complete restart your firefox browser
- Right Click on any facebook album name or link and you will get an option to Download Album With Facepad
- Now it will ask for you to select a location where you would like to save the pictures.
- Now, it will download all the pictures of the album and rename them sequentially
> Trick on How To Download Songs From
This trick is not limited only for but it can be used for most of the online streaming websites.Before I give you the whole trick let me explain the basic concept of how online streaming works so that you can know where this trick will work and on which websites it wont work.
> How To Use Mobile Number Portability (MNP) In India
Mobile Number Portability has already been launched all over India.Now the customers have more freedom and operators have more competition.For those who are unaware about MNP let me give them a brief introduction.
Mobile Number portability allows the customers to change their operator without changing there mobile number.This feature was first rolled in haryana and now it has been rolled all over India.
In this post I will try to answer all the queries of users about Mobile Number Portability.The issues that I am addressing in this post are:-
- How To Change Mobile Operator?
- How Long will it take to Switch to new Service Provider?
- What are the charges of MNP?
- Is MNP also available for Postpaid customers?
- Can I migrate from Postpaid to prepaid using MNP?
- Can I migrate from CDMA to GSM using MNP?
- How Frequently I can change my operator?
How To Change Mobile Operator?
To porting your mobile number to another operator you need a Unique Porting Code (UPC).So here is the complete steps of switching your operator
- Send a sms to 1900 in the following format
February 10, 2011
> Automatic SmS Responder For MobilePhones
You might want a tool to answer call and sms automatically on behalf of you.
SMS Responser Pro is exactly the tool.
> How To Be Invisible In Facebook Chat!
I know most of them love facebook And Chatting Through Facebook While Chatting We may Get Some Unwanted Chats From Some of our Friends. In order to avoid that, I came across this application called Online Now which lets you check your online friends without going online. Though you can’t chat with it being invisible, but you can still check out your online friends without showing online to others. This way you can avoid unwanted chats.
Plus, you can also organize lists accordingly and check people from all of your lists
Check this application over here.
> How To Create A Virus?
Hey Guys I am here With a Small Tutorial On How to create a virus. By using This trick You Can Easily Prank Your Friends
First Of lemme Start With Telling You
What Is A Virus?
A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. The term “virus” is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, adware, and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can only spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer
> How To Make A Logo!(Easy way)
> How To Recover Deleted Files
Last week, my friend came running to me saying that all the 1600 photos on his digicam has been accidentally deleted. He was very sad as he lost his girlfriend photo took just 1 week before they split up!! So sad!! Ya, of-course i have heard about the file recovery softwares, but haven’t tried one out even in my long history. So , this time i went for it, downloaded some, tested some, and recovered his 1594 photos , for which he was very grateful (The treat is next week!! No details abt that)
I thought for all these years why I haven’t used one?? There may be people like me who haven’t done the same. So I decided to put this post you are watching now.
From some soft-wares tested, I have selected one which i think is the best among them. Recuva, is a free tool for this. Download it here..
> Most Common Computer Problems And Solutions
If you have a computer, it will surely help in easing most of your problems. But with every computer comes along many headaches and complications will be created. There will not be any person in this world who didn’t get screwed with there PC’s And most of the time when the computer get screwed then you may call the computer technician to fix the problems and you may need to pay them And If you know some simple solutions to the most common computer problemsthen why you need to call the technician for fixing it.. Why cant you FIX IT YOURSELF And the following are a few common computer problems and Solutions that will help you to fix the computer when any problems are created
> How To Remove Uninstallable Programs From Your Computer
1)Corrupt install files,
2)missing files
it may also be a virus attack too…..(Scan your computer for viruses)
The problem is that ,When you are working on your computer and installing a new program, the installation suddenly fails. Now you are left with a partly installed program. You try to install the program again, but you are unsuccessful. Or, maybe you have problems trying to remove an old program because the installation files are corrupted.
Now how to fix this issue
Its very easy to fix this bug,all you need to do is to just Download This Software (Click Here)
Install it.
Open the software.
Select the troublesome program.
and you're done. have fun, any problems feel free to ask me
February 07, 2011
February 06, 2011
> Start your money making from Microworkers
How it works :
You can earn money by digg or stumbleUpon others post,comment on the articles ,a free sign up and many more 5 minutes job.
Just select the jobs that you’re able to do and complete that job by providing proofs (they ask what you need to submit).
> Edit Photos Easily Using PhotoFiltre
> Complete List of Windows Commands
Here I’am providing a list of commands which may be useful for you
> How To Hack Folder Lock Password
But today I’m going to teach you to hack folder lock
First open REGEDIT using RUN command, and go to the following path [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\QualityControl]
“_pack”=”this is encrypted password ~~~”
February 05, 2011
> How To Password Protect A USB Drive
> Wiping Your Hard Disk Drive Clean
> 5 Factors That Will Keep Your Laptop Battery To Run Longer
After using your laptop for some time, we often notify the laptops charge whether it’s going down very slowly or fastly, if it’s decreasing very fastly then it’s better to assume to say the life of the battery is lessened. So how does this happen? After spending a lot of time researching on these topics I got to know 5 major factors which affects the life of laptop batteries. When we are using laptops, there are always some basic factors affecting the life of the battery. However, this doesn’t mean that these factors will damage the laptop battery. There are many factors which affects the life of a laptop battery, the factors are:
Factor 1: Temperature
If your laptop is in some sorts of different circumstances then the life of your laptop battery is reduced faster than those in normal circumstance. Increased temperature oftenly affects the life of laptop batteries. If the climate is cold, then your laptop battery is going to take longer to fully charge. Increased heat also impacts the particular battery’s capability to transfer power from the batter to the operating system. The best temperature for laptop batteries is between 50 and 82 degrees.